Hearing Aid Brands


Hearing Aid Manufacturers We Carry

Phonak is a Swiss-based hearing aid manufacturer that was founded in 1947. The company is a part of the Sonova group, which is one of the largest hearing aid companies in the world. Phonak is known for its innovative hearing aid technology, which includes advanced features like rechargeable batteries, Bluetooth connectivity, and noise reduction algorithms. Phonak offers a wide range of hearing aids to meet the needs of individuals with different types and degrees of hearing loss. These hearing aids use advanced technology to provide clear and natural sound, even in challenging listening environments. Phonak is a leading provider of high-quality hearing aids and related products, with a focus on improving the overall hearing health and quality of life of individuals with hearing loss.

Oticon is a hearing aid manufacturer based in Denmark. The company was founded in 1904 by Hans Demant, whose wife was hearing impaired. Oticon is one of the largest and most well-known hearing aid brands in the world, and they offer a wide range of hearing aids to meet the needs of individuals with different types and degrees of hearing loss. 

Oticon's latest technology is the Own which is an in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid that is equipped with BrainHearing technology and Deen Neural Network (DNN). BrainHearing technology alleviates the brain’s labor and processing effort by providing clearer sound signals to process. Oticon’s DNN technology provides the brain with access to 12 million real-life sounds which offer complex and natural soundscapes, strengthening sound quality.

In addition to manufacturing hearing aids, Oticon is also involved in hearing research and development. The company's research focuses on areas such as auditory processing, cognitive function, and communication strategies, with the goal of improving the overall hearing health and quality of life of individuals with hearing loss.


Widex is a Danish-based hearing aid manufacturer that was founded in 1956. The company is known for its innovative hearing aid technology and has a reputation for producing high-quality, reliable hearing aids. Widex offers a range of hearing aids to meet the needs of individuals with different types and degrees of hearing loss. These hearing aids use advanced technology to provide clear and natural sound, reduce background noise, and enhance speech understanding.

Overall, Widex is a leading provider of high-quality hearing aids and related products, with a focus on innovation, sustainability, and improving the overall hearing health and quality of life of individuals with hearing loss.


Call Dirigo Hearing Center at (207) 810-7256 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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